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New Mexico Floodplain Managers Association
PO Box 1235, Las Cruces NM 88004
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Training Opportunities

L0273 Managing Floodplain Development 4 day class
By Michele Truby-Tillen, CFM
Posted: 2025-02-05T21:12:22Z

If you need CEC's, are getting ready to take the CFM Exam (not intended to be a test prep course) , or just want to brush up on the regulations, the L0273 Managing Floodplain Development through the NFIP Course, fits the bill.

This course is designed to provide an organized training opportunity for local officials responsible for administering their local floodplain ordinance. The course will focus on the NFIP and concepts of floodplain management, maps and studies, ordinance administration, and the relationship between floodplain management and flood insurance. (From the EMI course catalog)

Go to the NMFMA home page for more information.