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New Mexico Floodplain Managers Association
PO Box 1235, Las Cruces NM 88004
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Training Opportunities

FEMA July Trainings
By Nicole M Friedt, CFM
Posted: 2024-07-03T14:53:27Z

FEMA Region 6 Floodplain Management and Insurance Logo with blue waves

Check out these upcoming webinars and info related to floodplain management and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Back 2 Basics: Three Common Violations in New Developments,

Offering 2

B2BThursday, July 18, 2024, 10 - 11 a.m. MT

This training addresses the top three violations or audit issues observed in NFIP participating communities with new development. One CEC is approved through ASFPM for CFMs®. 



FEMA Region 6 Base Level Engineering (BLE) training

Virtual Brown Bag: Adopting Base Level Engineering Without a FIRM

Risk analysis brownbagTuesday, July 23, 11 a.m. - noon MT

The July Brown Bag features Ryan Carroll from Michael Baker and Darrin Dutton from FEMA's floodplain management group. They will discuss the adoption of Base Level Engineering without a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). Please be advised this webinar will be held a week early, on the 23rd instead of the 30th. One hour of CEC is approved for this training through ASFPM for CFMs®. 0.1 Credit Hour is also available for Professional Engineers.


Community Rating System (CRS) Webinars

FEMA NFIP Community Rating System  CRS Coordinator's GuideThe nationally-run Community Rating System (CRS) Webinar Series provides both live and on-demand training to communities that are not yet participating in the CRS, local government staff who are new to the CRS, and those with experience in the program. To register, click below and enter "CRS" into the search bar. Sessions typically offer 1 CEC for CFMs®.

Annual CRS Requirements

Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. MT

CRS & Floodplain Species Assessment

Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. MT


FEMA's nationally-run flood insurance training

Take and Share Flood Insurance Training for Agents

Two-Part Key Fundamentals of Flood Insurance

two part key fundamentals of flood insurance webinar graphic

Share these trainings with agents in your community. This webinar is a two-part course on FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program. Created for insurance agents with CE varying by state, others are welcome to attend, but CE credit is not available. 

  • 7/09: 1 p.m. -  3 p.m. MT (Part 1) REGISTER
  • 7/10: 1 p.m. -  3 p.m. MT (Part 2) REGISTER
  • 7/10: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. MT (Part 1) REGISTER
  • 7/11: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. MT (Part 2) REGISTER
  • 7/16: 1 p.m. -  3 p.m. MT (Part 1) REGISTER
  • 7/17: 1 p.m. -  3 p.m. MT (Part 2) REGISTER
  • 7/17: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. MT (Part 1) REGISTER
  • 7/18: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. MT (Part 2) REGISTER

Click here to view more offerings. 

Frequently Asked Questions Webinars

FEMA frequently asked questions webinar

Do you have lingering questions about flood insurance? Want to expand your knowledge of flood insurance and fill in some gaps? This new webinar addresses the top questions we hear from agents and others attending NFIP courses. No continuing education credit is offered for this course in any state.

The course has no formal prerequisites, but a basic knowledge of flood insurance is both helpful and recommended. NFIP offers an introductory course, the free two-part webinar Key Fundamentals of Flood Insurance 2.0. 

  • July 23, 2024, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. MT REGISTER
  • August 20, 2024, 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. MT REGISTER

Flood After Fire Webinar Recording

FEMA flood after fire risk webinar for agentsResidents living in or near burn scars are at an increased risk of flooding for years after a fire is extinguished. View this on-demand webinar for more information on marketing strategies and the resources NFIP offers to help agents educate clients on this risk. Click here to watch now. No continuing education credit is offered for this course.


Flood Insurance Preparedness Resources

FEMA FMIX customer call center is 877-336-2627, option 4

Share the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange customer number (877) 336-2627, option 4, to ask questions about flood insurance and help find a provider that sells NFIP flood insurance.


FEMA fact sheet on flood risk increases after fires in english and spanish

View and share the fact sheet Flood Risks Increase After Fires in English and Spanish.  


FEMA's understanding flood loss avoidance fact sheet front page

Promote Flood Loss Avoidance measures residents can claim on their NFIP policies in English and Spanish.


NFIP How to Start a Flood Insurance Claim Flyer

Share this How to Start a Flood Insurance Claim flyer in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, and Haitian Creole


Floodsmart Flood After Fire Toolkit

Share resources from the FloodSmart Flood After Fire Toolkit.


NAIC Home Inventory App

Promote the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's free home inventory app.


Floodsmart Protect the Life You've Rebuilt

Learn about three-year Group Flood Insurance Policies (GFIPs) for eligible disaster survivors. English, Spanish.


Front pages of the Fact Sheets Understanding Mudflow and the NFIP in English and Spanish

View and share this fact sheet Understanding Mudflow and the NFIP in English and Spanish.


Post wildfire waiting period exception infographic

The Post-Wildfire Exception is not a blanket flood insurance waiting period waiver. It is a fact-specific exception to the standard 30-day NFIP waiting period, analyzed on a policy-by-policy basis.


Comment on New Category I in the Draft Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide (PAPPG), Version 5

FEMA PAPPG Draft V5 Category I for Building Codes and Floodplain Management

FEMA is requesting public comments on the draft Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide version 5. Click here to see the summary of changes. 

New! Category I is being added to help NFIP participating communities with their post-disaster floodplain management and building code administration and enforcement. The reimbursement became available with the implementation of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) Section 1206. This reimbursement is currently being written as Category G (Parks, Rec, Other) projects.

Read through the new section on pages 193-198. What do you think? What do you like? What needs to be changed or is missing?

The 60-day public comment period closes August 19, 2024. Click here to learn more. Submit comments at here, or directly by email to with “PAPPG V5” as the subject line.

New Mexico South Fork Fire and Salt Fire, DR-4795-NM

New Mexico DR-4795 home pageClick here to find information including designated areas, frequently asked questions, how a disaster gets declared, and more. Find and share mitigation resources in English and Spanish.

NM Disaster Checklist

View the Disaster Checklist for New Mexico residents impacted by the South Fork and Salt Fires and Flooding. 

New Guidance on Climate Adaption Planning for Emergency Managers

FEMA's Climate Adaptation Planning Guide front coverFEMA released the Climate Adaptation Planning: Guidance for Emergency Managers. The guide identifies emergency manager responsibilities and resources in climate adaptation planning by highlighting: Climate impacts by community lifeline and recovery support function, existing climate mapping tools, potential funding resources, and climate trainings.


State and Association Training and Resources Available

NMDHSEM logoFind resources, training and more from the state NFIP Coordination office at the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Floodplain Office. Heath Dobrovolny, CFM, is the newly announced State Floodplain Coordinator. Email contact here.


New Mexico NMFMA logoThe New Mexico Floodplain Managers Association (NMFMA) is an organization of professionals involved in floodplain management with goals including: To promote public awareness of proper floodplain management and to promote the professional status of floodplain management. Click here to view their site. Consider registering for the 2024 NMFMA Fall Workshop in Bernalillo.


  Past trainingsDid you know you can access past FEMA Region 6 Floodplain Monthly trainings at one site? Click here to explore past topics. Bookmark the link, make sure to scroll to the bottom and click next to view more listings, and check back for new additions. Continuing education credits are not available for viewing past recordings.

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Region 6

Denton, TX

Floodplain Management & Insurance Branch